Publication of inside information on emissions allowances

As of January 3, 2018, the provisions of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) will also apply to emissions trading. As of this date, relevant Emissions Allowances Market Participants are obliged to disclose inside information according to MAR (Art. 17 fig. 2). Usually, the disclosure of inside information under REMIT also satisfies the disclosure obligation under MAR if such disclosure is done via a platform.

The EEX Transparency Platform offers a competitive solution for the public disclosure of inside information on emission allowances and ensures the forwarding of this information to relevant national authorities and media.

With the EEX Online Tool market participants can report Ad-hoc messages with a direct link to emissions trading.

In addition, EEX and EQS offer the opportunity to fulfill all other MAR obligations (Insider lists, Managers’ transactions, Managers’ lists) as part of their cooperation. Customers can choose between three packages that cover all obligations and thus ensure their MAR compliance.

For more information and concrete user packages please visit

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