EEX Global Carbon Index Prices

The EEX Global Carbon Index Family (GCI)* price shows a weighted average for the emission trading schemes (ETS) reflected in GCI Core and Extended. For each ETS a representative price of a suitable product is considered. Hereby we apply a weight corresponding to the volume of the respective ETS. Details can be found on our EEX GCI page

GCI Core Price

GCI Extended Price

EEX Global Carbon Index Core

The EEX Global Carbon Index Core* focusses on the most liquid global markets in compliance carbon credits and comprises the following constituents which are weighted by the caps of the respective ETS.

GCI Core Spot

GCI Core Excess Return

GCI Core Total Return

EEX Global Carbon Index Extended

The EEX Global Carbon Index Extended* is designed to provide a truly comprehensive picture of global compliance carbon markets. It includes all ETS worldwide, which are deemed reasonably mature in terms of ETS design and sufficiently relevant in size in terms of the total amount of emissions covered under the ETS. The EEX Global Carbon Index Extended is calculated by weighting the price of carbon contracts with the cap volume of the ETS programs from where the constituent products originate, which represents the actual ‘physical size’ of the respective ETS in the given year.

GCI Extended Spot

GCI Extended Excess Return

GCI Extended Total Return

* Disclaimer

These indices are published for information purposes only. Any commercial usage is forbidden. In particular, it is strictly forbidden to use these indices as the basis for financial or other derivative products. EEX AG provides all indices “as is”. EEX AG and any third party providing input data to the indices (“Data Provider”) make no representation and give no warranty, express or implied, regarding the indices, including (without limitation) in relation to their availability, suitability, quality, accuracy, timeliness, and/or completeness, and EEX AG and the Data Providers assume no liability in this regard. Any use of these indices is at the own risk of the user. Data Providers do not sponsor, endorse or recommend the indices provided by EEX AG.

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