
name of the term: Prices
descriptions of the term:


Price data are shown for the day-ahead and intraday markets of Austria, Germany and Switzerland operated by EPEX SPOT.

The day-ahead auction for Switzerland closes daily at 11 am (CET/CEST) and for the joint market area of Germany/Austria at 12 pm. Although the price determination will immediately started after that gate closure and the results are published in accordance to the auction rules at EPEX SPOT’s website, the publication at the EEX Transparency Platform will be done simultaneously with the disclosure of the forecasted in-feed of wind and solar energy and the planned power production daily at 6 pm.

The intraday prices are taken from the weighted average figures of all transactions calculated for the continuous trading in frequent intervals by EPEX SPOT and published on its website. The figures shown on the EEX Transparency Platform include the hourly contracts only, and are disclosed one hour after the passed operational hour.


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