Publication of non-usability by fuel

Today EEX Transparency Platform starts with the publication of non-usabilities aggregated at fuel type.
The information contains a daily average of the unusable generation capacity for the current and the following year. The data is published daily at 10:15 am and additionally at 4:15 pm (CET/CEST) for the respective future period.

EEX calculates the data based on reported non-usabilities of all power generation units. The underlying data is displayed under "Non-usabilities by Unit".

For the moment the data is available for the following countries / market areas:

Power Production:

•    Austria
•    Beglian
•    Czech Republic
•    Germany
•    Germany / Austria
•    Hungary
•    Switzerland
•    The Netherlands

Additionally to the publication on the EEX Transparency Website the Transparency Info Products ( will be updated on an hourly basis.

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